What is Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside?
Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside is used for Joint pain, Joint swelling, Muscles pain, Muscles swelling, Mild to moderate pain during dental operations, Muscles stiffness in muscle diseases and other conditions. Detailed information related to Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside's uses, side-effects, reviews, questions, interactions, and precautions is as follows:
Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside Uses
Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside is used for the treatment, control, prevention, & improvement of the following diseases, conditions and symptoms:
• Joint pain
• Joint swelling
• Muscles pain
• Muscles swelling
• Mild to moderate pain during dental operations
• Muscles stiffness in muscle diseases
• Muscles stiffness in nerve diseases
• Muscles stiffness in spinal
• Muscles stiffness in the joint diseases
Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside Working, Mechanism of Action and Pharmacology
Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside improves the patient's condition by performing the following functions:
Preventing the release of prostaglandins.
Reduces the swelling and pain.
Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside - Side-effects
The following is a list of possible side-effects that may occur in medicines that contain Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside. This is not a comprehensive list. These side-effects are possible, but do not always occur. Some of the side-effects may be rare but serious. Consult your doctor if you observe any of the following side-effects, especially if they do not go away.
• Redness of the skin or mucous membranes
• Changes in blood parameters related to liver
• Irregular or fast heartbeat
• Blurring of vision
• Nausea
• Hallucinations
Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside - Precautions & How to Use
Before using this drug, inform your doctor about your current list of medications, over the counter products (e.g. vitamins, herbal supplements, etc.), allergies, pre-existing diseases, and current health conditions (e.g. pregnancy, upcoming surgery, etc.). Some health conditions may make you more susceptible to the side-effects of the drug. Take as directed by your doctor or follow the direction printed on the product insert. Dosage is based on your condition. Tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsens. Important counseling points are listed below.
• Above 65 years of age
• Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery
• Avoid smoking
• Consult a doctor if you have allergic reactions
Consult a doctor if you have an allergic disorders, coagulation defects, left ventricular dysfunction or hypertension
Do not take for longer than what doctor instructed
Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside - Drug Interactions
If you use other drugs or over the counter products at the same time, the effects of Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside may change. This may increase your risk for side-effects or cause your drug not to work properly. Tell your doctor about all the drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements you are using, so that you doctor can help you prevent or manage drug interactions. Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside may interact with the following drugs and products:
• Acenocoumarol
• Anisindione
• Dicumarol
• Ethinyl estradiol
• Lithium
• Warfarin
Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside - Contraindications
Hypersensitivity to Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside is a contraindication. In addition, Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside should not be used if you have the following conditions:
• Active peptic ulceration
• Allergic to thiocolchicoside
• Breastfeeding
• Children and adolescents below 16 years
• Pregnant
• Severe congestive heart failure
Missing a dose
In case you miss a dose, use it as soon as you notice. If it is close to the time of your next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your dosing schedule. Do not use extra dose to make up for a missed dose. If you are regularly missing doses, consider setting an alarm or asking a family member to remind you. Please consult your doctor to discuss changes in your dosing schedule or a new schedule to make up for missed doses, if you have missed too many doses recently.
Overdosage of Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside
Do not use more than prescribed dose. Taking more medication will not improve your symptoms; rather they may cause poisoning or serious side-effects. If you suspect that you or anyone else who may have overdosed of Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside, please go to the emergency department of the closest hospital or nursing home. Bring a medicine box, container, or label with you to help doctors with necessary information.
Do not give your medicines to other people even if you know that they have the same condition or it seems that they may have similar conditions. This may lead to overdosage.
Please consult your physician or pharmacist or product package for more information.
Storage of Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside
Store medicines at room temperature, away from heat and direct light. Do not freeze medicines unless required by package insert. Keep medicines away from children and pets.
Do not flush medications down the toilet or pour them into drainage unless instructed to do so. Medication discarded in this manner may contaminate the environment. Please consult your pharmacist or doctor for more details on how to safely discard Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside.
Expired Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside
Taking a single dose of expired Etoricoxib / Thiocolchicoside is unlikely to produce an adverse event. However, please discuss with your primary health provider or pharmacist for proper advice or if you feel unwell or sick. Expired drug may become ineffective in treating your prescribed conditions. To be on the safe side, it is important not to use expired drug. If you have a chronic illness that requires taking medicine constantly such as heart condition, seizures, and life-threatening allergies, you are much safer keeping in touch with your primary health care provider so that you can have a fresh supply of unexpired medications.
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